nGen® NEUTRON GENERATORSStarfire Industries offers a suite of sealed neutron generators, powered by nGen® patented technology, for a variety of applications. Do more with our end-mounted high-flux grounded targets, integrated HV power for efficiency, and industry-leading portability.
Centurion®A table-top ultra-compact, high-brightness 1-5 MeV p+ or d+ linear accelerator that operates on standard wall or portable power for use in directed neutron or proton applications. The Centurion® is ideal for neutron radiography and imaging.
IMPULSE® PULSED POWER MODULESGame-changing advanced technology ushering in a new wave of advanced high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS). Cost-effective 2kW and 20kW pulsed power modules with patent-pending Positive Kick™ technology for precision film stress and deposition/etch control.
RADION™ PLASMA SOURCESPatented microwave low-pressure surface wave plasma for materials processing and hand-held atmospheric pressure sources for surface modification and vapor deposition.